Sunday, May 10, 2009

Of summers and pickles...

Each season brings its own flood of memories...Having spent most of my summer vacations in recollection is that of flavoured ice golas or 'Chattas'as they resemble umbrellas. The afternoon heat was so unbearable, we were instructed not to leave th rooms wid their coolers...Of couse my enthusiastic cousins always sneaked to play chupam-chupai/loh lakkad an i would reluctantly tag along...never having been a great fan of physical sports....For me cards and ludo were the saving grace...Coming to other summer memory was that of pickles and twenty or thirty kgs, it is a team effort all the way!! As i went to pick up another 10 kgs of kairi today for another round of pickle making...was almost like walking back in time. Atleast in Mumbai wid, so little time and space, people either depend on readymade pickles or ones still enthusiastic pick up 1 or 2 kgs of these gigantic mangoes....
Summers may never be the same this time its abt learning this disappearing skill:-)


  1. summers...the 'COOL' cause we do not hv to stick our head in books!! most that i remember is playing loh lakad with Bhikari...our house help and card games

  2. Awwww.. This takes me back to times when mom and I would go to kalbhadevi relgiously every summer to get mango for the pickle making process .. Those were the days.. When my treat for helping would a nice big slice of raw mango with chilli and salt .. yummmmmy..
